

Electrostimulation is a completely safe method of muscle stimulation, the effectiveness of which has delighted customers for years. Electrostimulation helps to strengthen the muscles and ensure their efficiency. This treatment is also helpful in the condition of muscle paresis, after contusions, or for those, who cannot move or exercise.

Electrostimulation can also be used equally effectively in terms of body contouring. Electrostimulation treatment will help you achieve a slim figure, by stimulating for example the abdominal muscles or buttocks.

Electrostimulation supports and greatly improves the functioning of the lymphatic system through the stimulated lymphatic drainage of the body, which cleanses our body.

How does it work?

Using the electrodes attached to your muscles, an individually regulated electrical impulse is delivered, which mobilises the muscles to work – causes them to contract and relax rhythmically in a manner similar to physical exercise. We will select the intensity of the treatment together, individually for each person, to ensure optimal results.

After treatment:

  • muscle stimulation in result will relieve chronic pain
  • your muscles will strengthen and become more toned
  • lymphatic drainage will help eliminate swelling,
  • the treatment has a relaxing effect, just like after a proper workout
  • how after training endorphins are produced, which affects your well-being
  • his treatment indirectly contributes to the fact that the skin becomes elastic and taut, and cellulite begins to disappear

A half-hour treatment gives the effect of a very long, intense training session!

Don’t hesitate! Take care of yourself today

If you need turbo effects in body shaping – combine electrostimulation with Velashape III endermology – it’s even several centimeters less in the circumferences (waist + hips + thighs)

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